Keyring studio “Kuya”
Welcome to the most bizarre and hilarious Kuya world! Kuya is an animation produced by Keyring Studio which follows the lives of mischievous spirits. They came from the most powerful, pure energy before mankind which you've never known! Their only goal was to live in nature with Humans but now they hide themselves in a deep forest. What's their story now?
산업혁명 이후 인류를 떠나 깊은 숲에서 생활하는 쿵야들의 좌충우돌 시트콤! 흥미로운 쿵야들의 이야기와 범우주적 세계관, 자극적인 유머코드를 보며 웃다보면 쿵야들이 하고 싶은 말들이 마음 속에 오래 남아있을거에요!
Tuban “larva 6: Seoul rangers”
The heroe’s greatest victory will begin. World is under attack! The big and strong cannot make it. Small dirty, disgusting.. Bugs that were so ignored came out to save the world. The small heroes’ greatest victory will begin!
작은 것들이 펼치는 거대한 모험담이 지금 시작된다. 위험이 닥친 지구! 크고 강한 이들은 지켜내지 못했다! 작고 더럽고 징그러운.. 그렇게 무시당하던 벌레들이 이 세상을 구하기 위해 나섰다. 작은 것들이 펼치는 거대한 영웅담이 지금 시작된다!
Tuban “larva in mars 2”
On Nollarva Island (Planet), Red and Yellow's grueling journey to survive in space begins. Until the day when Nollarva, the first convenience store in space, becomes a hot spot in space!